Glossier Skincare Edit gift set

WIN! We’re giving away Glossier goodies worth £140 to celebrate our million milestone

27th June 2022 | Author: Victoria Woollaston-Webber

We recently reached a major milestone here at mamabella  – we surpassed a million page views.

This site started as a hobby to help women like us feel seen by a beauty industry that predominantly favours youth.

Our Editor-in-Chief, Vicky, is passionate about breaking down the myths, the confusion (and snobbery) that can too often surround makeup, skincare, and self-care. All in a science-led, accessible, and friendly way. You can read more on our About Us page. 

To celebrate this moment, we’re giving away a bundle of Glossier goodies that align with our mission for simple, yet effective beauty. What’s more, on July 6 Glossier is increasing its prices so this could be a great way to get hold of your favourites at a cheaper price!

This giveaway includes:

You can read more about these kits in our best Glossier products guide, or click on the links above to see which bestselling items each kit contains. Alternatively, scroll down to enter our competition!

Shop the Glossier kits

♥︎ How to enter the competition

Free Glossier samplesGlossier

If you want to win the Glossier Goodybag, either:

  • Enter your email address in the box below OR
  • Follow us on one of our social accounts – Instagram or Facebook or TikTok

Of course, if you want to QUADRUPLE your chances of winning, you can do all four. But you don’t have to. 

Click here to see the full terms and conditions

If you’re already a newsletter subscriber (thank you so much, we love you!), you can still enter this competition but rest assured, your email won’t be added to the database more than once. So don’t worry about being spammed with multiple newsletters. You can also opt-out at any time.

Prize Draw Rules

  • Entry to the competition is restricted to one entry per person but that one person can quadruple their chances of winning by signing up for the newsletter and following the mamabella Instagram, Facebook and TikTok channels
  • Entrants must be over 18 and must live within the UK, or have a UK address to which the Glossier goodies will be sent. Overseas entries are not valid 
  • Multiple entries will be discounted
  • Automated entries, bulk entries, or third-party entries will be disqualified
  • Winners will be chosen at random from all valid entries across all four platforms
  • Winners will be contacted via email and their names will be displayed on our website, on our social accounts and in our newsletter. Entry into the competition gives us permission to publish your name
  • The Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to
  • The prize includes the cost of postage and packaging. mamabella will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the items in the post, nor will mamabella accept returns. mamabella will provide a tracking number. It is the winner’s responsibility to locate this parcel, using this tracking number, should the parcel go missing
  • mamabella has the right to withdraw this competition at any time, but in the event of a cancelled competition all entrants’ details will be removed from our database
  • By subscribing to the newsletter, your email address and name will be added to mamabella’s newsletter database and you agree to be sent newsletters. You can unsubscribe at any time 
  • Entrants must still be following the account when the draw takes place the week of the 3 April
  • The competition will run from 9am BST on 27 June 2022 until midday BST 27 July 2022.
  • Entries made after this date will not be included but your email address may still be added to the newsletter database. You can unsubscribe at any time 
  • Your email address and name will not be used beyond those instances listed here
  • mamabella is compliant with the Data Protection Act. Our policy is such that we will not pass on your details to any third-party without your prior consent
  • Entering this competition assumes that you accept these terms and conditions in their entirety

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This site contains affiliate links to recommended products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We will not recommend anything we don't believe in and we are not paid by brands to include specific products unless explicitly stated.
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